Home and Away's Australian fans have been treated to the show's most jaw-dropping twist of the year, with the identity of Witness X finally revealed ahead of Colby Thorne's murder trial.

Meanwhile, Owen Davidson has made a sad departure after troubles with Roo Stewart, and the Parata family have remained at the mercy of their dangerous new enemies.

Here are eight big questions we've been left with after the latest Summer Bay drama.

1. Why did Witness X turn against Colby?

What a twist! Home and Away's triple bill of episodes on Thursday night (November 12) confirmed that Witness X is none other than Willow – one of Colby's closest friends. So much for Mangrove River loyalty.

In bombshell scenes, Willow was seen wearing a recording device after a cosy chat with Colby about his guilt. She then took the evidence straight to Angelo in a secret meeting – talk about ruthless.

Willow was visibly upset over her own betrayal and when Angelo thanked her for doing the right thing, she insisted that she hadn't done it for him.

But what was the turning point for Willow and why has she betrayed Colby? Her motivations are largely a mystery for now, but look likely to be explored in future episodes once Bella and Dean know the truth. Let's face it, they're sure to want an explanation for her actions.

Although Willow's decision has provided major shock value, you could argue that the clues have been there for a while. She was visibly uncomfortable over Colby's cocky attitude throughout the murder investigation and also notably encouraged Dean to consider his options when Angelo offered him a deal.

Did this give Willow the idea to strike a deal herself?

2. Is Colby's confession enough to send him down?

Colby's trial will air on Aussie screens next week and his fresh confession, as recorded by Willow, is sure to be part of the case against him. Only time will tell whether this is damning enough to see Colby sent down for murder, or if his legal representatives can find a way to talk him out of it.

Willow will also give evidence at the trial, but it's worth noting that she didn't physically witness Ross's murder and a lot of her testimony is circumstantial. Could this give Colby a sneaky get-out clause, or is he about to face the music?

3. Will Taylor betray Colby on the stand?

Colby doesn't just have one former ally due to testify against him in court, but two. When Colby was provided with the witness list ahead of the trial (with Witness X's identity redacted), he noticed that Taylor was among those listed to give evidence.

Later on, Colby had a touching heart-to-heart with Taylor on the beach, admitting that he was game-playing when he started the affair but started to develop genuine feelings for her.

This emotional exchange was enough for Taylor to start warming to Colby again, so she begged Angelo not to force her to testify at the trial. Angelo refused to listen, warning that she'd play her part in Colby's downfall whether she likes it or not.

Taylor was also reminded that she'd be in contempt of court if she didn't cooperate at the trial. Of course, it's worth noting that she doesn't actually know much about Colby's crime – he didn't confess to her while they were together – but Angelo is clearly confident that her involvement could make a key difference as the trial plays out.

4. How much trouble are the Parata family in?

Ari and Tane are currently at the mercy of some dangerous enemies, who are targeting the family after Tane ran up a serious debt by losing an expensive supply of drugs.

After days of threats and intimidation, the Parata brothers struck a deal with their rivals by agreeing to carry out a dodgy job out of town to work off their debt.

Although we didn't see the illegal antics on screen, Ari and Tane returned home after a couple of days away and were relieved to report that their troubles were over as everything went as planned. Of course, with this being Summer Bay, things were not so simple.

Ari and Tane later received an envelope of cash as a "bonus" for carrying out the task, along with a note revealing that they were expected to carry out one more job. Ari, Tane and Mackenzie were horrified to realise they were no further forward and still in serious danger.

This discovery came just after Tane had promised to stop leaving Nikau out of the family dramas, as Nik was hurt that his uncles left the Bay without him. Will Tane keep his promise by involving Nikau in 'dodgy job – the sequel'?

5. Can Jasmine ever accept Christian?

Grace's first birthday party was an emotional occasion for Jasmine, as she struggled with the knowledge that Robbo will miss all of his daughter's major milestones. She also felt left out of the celebrations as Christian took centre stage, even after Tori kindly mentioned Robbo and the Shaws in her speech at the party.

Although Jasmine didn't ruin the day for Tori or Christian, she did privately express her concerns to Irene and Marilyn over the situation. In one slightly tense moment, she told Marilyn to stop taking pictures of Tori, Christian and Grace as they'd never be a proper family.

While Jasmine later seemed to back down, it's far from the first time that she has seemed uncomfortable over Christian's role in Tori's life. Can she ever grow to accept him?

6. Have we seen the last of Owen?

Cameron Daddo waved goodbye to Summer Bay again this week as Owen and Roo realised that their relationship was doomed to be a non-starter.

After a difficult few weeks, Roo finally accepted that she sees Owen's late twin brother Evan every time they spend time together and this could be the reason why she has pursued their relationship in the first place.

Understandably concerned by this revelation, Owen decided that it'd be best to leave the Stewart family and go back on his travels. While Roo came to realise that this was the right decision, Ryder was upset to lose his uncle.

As Owen left, there was talk of him being a Christmas dinner guest in the future – although as the festive season mysteriously never seems to feature in Home and Away, we won't hold our breath.

7. Can Justin's new surgery help him?

Grace's first birthday party came to an abrupt end when Justin's health deteriorated rapidly and he was unable to feel his legs. Justin was rushed to hospital and Tori was shocked to realise that he went against doctor's orders by discharging himself from hospital in the first place.

Justin is now due for another attempt at surgery to remove his tumour and the stakes are high. Can Christian and his team remove it in full this time?

8. Will John and Marilyn find love again?

Newly-single John and Marilyn both signed up for a dating app this week, as Ryder helped them to separately set up profiles. Before long, both of them were enjoying the thrill of browsing potential matches and receiving romantic emojis.

It's no secret that former McLeod's Daughters star Bridie Carter was recently cast in Home and Away as newcomer Susie, a new possible love interest for John, so it seems that his romantic chances will be improving soon. But will Marilyn be so lucky?

Home and Away airs weekdays at 1.15pm and 6pm on Channel 5 (UK) and Mondays to Thursdays at 7pm on Channel 7 (Australia).