Your full collection of photos revealing what's ahead on UK screens in the week commencing Monday, November 16.

Monday, November 16: Tane is up to no good at the garage

He has stored a van full of stolen goods there overnight.

Monday, November 16: Ziggy questions Tane about the van

He makes out that it belongs to a customer who hasn't picked it up yet.

Monday, November 16: Tane is under pressure

Keeping up the lie in front of Ziggy becomes increasingly difficult.

Monday, November 16: Tane spends time at the garage after hours

He's desperate for his criminal contacts to pick up the van.

Monday, November 16: Tane spends time at the garage after hours

He's desperate for his criminal contacts to pick up the van.

Monday, November 16: Ziggy pays an after-hours visit to the garage

Tane looks set to be busted.

Monday, November 16: Ziggy is shocked

She overhears Tane talking about the stolen goods, which are now in full view.

Monday, November 16: Tane panics

Ziggy has caught him out.

Monday, November 16: Tori prepares for a date with Christian

She asks for Justin and Leah's advice on what to wear.

Tuesday, November 17: Justin pays a visit to the garage

He checks on how things have been getting along in his absence.

Tuesday, November 17: Justin is pleased with how things are going

He has no idea about the stolen goods scandal.

Wednesday, November 18: Bella brings Colby some breakfast at work

She feels bad for him after his split from Taylor.

Wednesday, November 18: Bella can see that Colby is struggling

The break-up seems to have hit him hard.

Wednesday, November 18: Bella can see that Colby is struggling

The break-up seems to have hit him hard.

Wednesday, November 18: Colby tries to get back in Angelo's good books

But the damage has already been done.

Wednesday, November 18: Angelo approaches one of Colby's colleagues

Murray gets cornered by the senior detective.

Wednesday, November 18: Angelo quizzes Murray about Colby

Murray reveals what he knows about his colleague and friend.

Wednesday, November 18: Murray tips off Colby

He warns Colby that Angelo has been asking questions about him.

Wednesday, November 18: Angelo is ready to take his theory to the next level

He decides to use his position in the police to find out what's going on between Taylor and Colby.

Wednesday, November 18: Colby is nervous

He keeps a close eye on Angelo.

Wednesday, November 18: Angelo makes a phone call

He asks for access to Taylor's phone records. The evidence shows that she has been in constant contact with Colby.

Thursday, November 19: Angelo plays mind games now that he knows about the affair

He tells Taylor that he has a new witness and Colby was definitely Ross's killer.

Thursday, November 19: Taylor is taken aback

Will she believe what Angelo has told her?