Chloe has been working herself up into a stress over her future, suddenly realising that perhaps the baby wasn’t what she wanted after all, especially when Pierce started suggest they move away from Ramsay Street and the people she loves. Nicolette (Charlotte Chimes) tried to be a good friend to her and took her a walk to calm down, which helped Chloe see she does love Pierce. But then a sudden pain gripped Chloe and she immediately knew what was happening, She thought that She is losing her baby.  A cruel twist after she had secretly confessed to being unsure she wanted it, then having the decision taken away. This week sees the aftermath of her loss, and she’s not ready to admit it to anyone just yet. The baby shower is all booked and planned so Chloe decides to keep up appearances and go ahead for Fay’s sake. Pierce and Nicolette try and talk her out of it, but she’s adamant.

than Chloe ever imagined, seeing the joy on everyone’s faces at the child that will never be. She goes through the motions, but eventually the pressure becomes too much and she cracks, blurting out that she has lost the baby. And She is very sad.